Company Description

At Cavendish Farms we pride ourselves on high quality products, exceeding our customer's needs, and strong relationships with growers in our communities. There are 3 pillars (family, farm and food) that form the foundation of our brand and who we are.

A family food company:
We're a family food company that puts pride, dedication and a whole lot of know-how into everything we grow, and everything we make. Cavendish Farms is part of a family owned company that has been customer focused since 1882.

Partnering with farmers:
Built by the expertise of growers over generations, we have a proud history and deep roots. Bringing the goodness of the farm to homes and restaurants is what we do best with a strong commitment to the land, to the community, and to the people around the world who love our food.

Smart innovation:
We've forged a strategic partnership with Holland College's Culinary Institute of Canada to create the Cavendish Culinary Creation Center. Our team of food experts uses its know-how to transform food trends into crowd pleasing flavors and innovative new foods.

Sustaining the environment:
Cavendish Farms is committed to sustaining the environment by adopting high quality environmental standards. That's why we're the first potato producer to convert solid waste to bio-methane gas in a state-of-the-art bio gas facility. Our team of potato experts has also developed the Russet Prospect potato, which requires less fertilizer and soil fumigation.